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Unruffled: The bird continues to look unconcerned even as the wheels of a large train carriage pass directly next to its home
Unruffled: The bird continues to look unconcerned even as the wheels of a large train carriage pass directly next to its home
Cutting it fine: The seagull appears unruffled by a train steaming past as it sits near its nest in Lochaber, Scotland.
Cutting it fine: The seagull appears unruffled by a train steaming past as it sits near its nest in Lochaber, Scotland.

Home sweet home: The seagull and its unusual choice of nesting spot has become a hit with train passengers in Scotland
Home sweet home: The seagull and its unusual choice of nesting spot has become a hit with train passengers in Scotland
Dicing with death: The seagull sits carefully on its eggs, apparently indifferent to the danger of the track next to its head
Dicing with death: The seagull sits carefully on its eggs, apparently indifferent to the danger of the track next to its head

Despite the bird caring for its young next the railway, passengers have expressed concern that the chicks could hatch and find their way on to the track
Despite the bird caring for its young next the railway, passengers have expressed concern that the chicks could hatch and find their way on to the track

sumber : http://www.klikunic.com/2012/06/mantaff-nih-burung-ngga-takut-maut.html#ixzz1x7TtPA81

Mau bisnis sampingan dengan penghasilan hingga jutaan rupiah per hari? Bisa dikerjakan dimana saja? Sistem bekerja otomatis bahkan saat Anda tidur? KLIK DISINI

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